2033 E Warner Rd Ste 112 Tempe, AZ 85284

Course Offerings

First Aid, CPR, and AED Training and Certification

 Gryphen provides First AID, CPR and AED training in one 8 hour class  through the Health and Safety Institute. MEDIC FIRST AID® BasicPlus is a  combined adult CPR, AED, and first aid training program designed  specifically for the occupational first aid provider. This extremely  flexible program will help employers meet OSHA and other federal and  state regulatory requirements for training employees how to respond and  care for medical emergencies at work. The program is based upon the 2010  International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and  Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Science with Treatment  Recommendations (CoSTR) and other evidence-based treatment  recommendations. 

Article IX Training and Certification

Article IX is the law that passed in 1988 to address both individual  rights  and the use of behavioral methods within the Developmental  Disabilities Division (DDD)  Service.  This training will make sure   that individuals working with these clients are certified. Each class  certifies a person with DDD for Article 9 Training for 3 years. 

Prevention and Support

This course is a full day of training focusing on building a positive   relationship with the individuals we support. The focus of this course to give positive  alternatives to assist when a  challenging behavior arises and prevent a  behavioral emergency. We will learn how to identify when a  situation becomes a behavioral emergency. We will also learn the emergency physical  intervention techniques if  someone you support is in the middle of a  behavioral emergency. Each class certifies a person with DDD for  Prevention and Support Training  for 3 years.