2033 E Warner Rd Ste 112 Tempe, AZ 85284

Prevention and Support


This course is a full day (8 hours) of training focusing on building a positive   relationship with the individuals we support. The focus of this course to give positive  alternatives to assist when a  challenging behavior arises and prevent a  behavioral emergency. We will learn how to identify when a  situation becomes a behavioral  emergency. We will also learn the emergency physical  intervention techniques if  someone you support is in the middle of a  behavioral emergency. Each class certifies a person with DDD for  Prevention and Support Training  for 3 years.                             

***Portions of the class are physically demanding. Please wear comfortable clothing.***

***IF this class has less than four people enrolled, it will be cancelled within 24 hours of the class.***

Core Class Topics

  •  Getting to Know a Person I Support
  • Support vs. Control
  • Valued Roles
  • Definition of a Behavioral Emergency
  • Emergency Physical Intervention Techniques
  • Behavior Cycle
  • Building a Positive Relationship
  • My Action Plan



Course Length

8 hours